Whitewater / Lewinsky and related "scandals"
The claim rocks the Spectator staff: Hale's story of a pressured loan is key to the entire structure of his story of Clinton financial misconduct and cronyism. Interestingly, Brown has given numerous interviewers to reporter Daniel Wattenberg before now, and never mentioned Hale, though the Hale trial and Hale allegations were all over the news, but now, suddenly, Brown says that he personally witnessed a meeting between Clinton and Hale in either 1985 or 1986 where Clinton tells Hale, "You're going to have to help us out. We're going to need to raise some money." Brown's justification for not coming forward until now is, he says, fear of losing his job with the state police association."Western civilization with all its might and glory would never have achieved its greatness without the directing hand of God and the creative genius of the white race. Any effort to destroy the race by a mixture of black blood is an effort to destroy Western civilization itself." -- Council of Conservative Citizens, Fall
Islamist terrorism
Experts believe that many Taliban members were trained by Pakistan's ISI, and thus were more successful militarily than one might believe. Some of these experts believe that the CIA worked with the ISI to train them. Said one regional expert with extensive ties to the CIA, "I warned them they were creating a monster." Many believe that the Taliban has always been on ISI's payroll; this allegation is made in the Wall Street Journal in November 2001, and on CNN in February 2002. (CCR)Whitewater / Lewinsky and related "scandals"
It excises all mention of Stephens Inc., the Republican-supporting business firm which had been so slanderously besmirched in the first video, and instead tells a dark and spooky story about a huge drug ring running out of the Mena, Arkansas airport and managed by Bill Clinton. Film producer Pat Matrisciana funds the new film as he did the first: by soliciting donations from his powerful colleagues in the Council for National Policy. CNP members receive free copies of the video and are asked to circulate them as widely as possible. CNP members, many of whom are senior members of Congress and the judiciary, are asked to use their influence to expand the Whitewater hearings to investigate the Arkansas Development Finance Administration. (Joe Conason and Gene Lyons)Conservative hate speech and intolerance
The book argues that government assistance to the disadvantaged (particularly blacks and other minorities) is a waste of time. The book's statistical studies attempt to prove that racial difference in measured IQs "prove" that blacks and Latinos are genetically less intelligent than white, and that as such, minority Americans should be content with menial jobs and a lower place in American society. According to the book, true equality had been achieved in American public schools just before the advent of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the mandated desegregation and equality of resources provided by that legislation was actually discrimination in reverse, promulgated against whites who are genetically superior to blacks and Latinos, and are not treated farily by laws mandating equality. The book, which is fatally crippled by its embrace of psuedoscience and horrendous statistical manipulation, sets off a firestorm of criticism, but is roundly embraced by conservatives and segregationists, whose own agenda is bolstered by the book's arguments. Later the book's statistical content is proven to be based largely on data provided by a discredited eugenics foundation. (Joe Conason)